nfisherman ☆ ~/


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Hi, I'm Cedar. Welcome to my personal fishing hole.

I'm a IST student in the pursuit of my MLIS. I do political organizing in MKE, typically with the DSA. I generally advocate for the use of free software for all applications where it's practical for the layman. I'm interested in cybersecurity, political theory, freedom of information, and Minecraft. You can read more uninteresting information about me here.

This website exists as a creative outlet, distant from the oppresive uniformity of the modern web. Most of the website is hand-coded, though I make use of Eleventy to make recycling elements and writing blog posts easier. You can read more uninteresting information about the technology used to make and run this site here.

If you need to contact me you can reach me at webmaster[at]nfisherman[dot]com, although do keep in mind that this email is heavily filtered. (WIP)

All code (html, css, js, etc.) on this website is licensed under the WTFPL v2. All blog posts are licensed under the CC-BY-NC 4.0. Some assets, such as fonts or images, may be licensed under differently. You can find this site's copyright information here.

cool tunes

current obsession

"rockin' out with middle school me"

camera roll